Thursday, April 10, 2008

Kindred spirits

I've made a discovery, after several hours spent blogging, and searching 'blogspot' for sites and their owners. I feel quite different talking to a Christian than talking to a non-Christian. Now I do NOT want to have a critical or hostile view of non-Christians. In fact, I'm sure I don't. I know too many people, and get on cordially with too many people who are not Christians, to become one of those people who only wants to know people of like outlook to my own. But it tells me that the Holy Spirit is real. There is quite genuinely a thing of the spirit that makes for empathy between myself and really alive believers. I should admit that I feel humbled or even a bit embarrassed seeing the right up front, radiant way some Christians express their faith, and tell anyone listening where they are coming from. I should follow their example. The Scripture tells us, let our light shine and do not hide it under a bucket (bushell). We are meant to be light to the world. And I'm finding it easier and easier to tell anyone who sees or hears me, that's where I stand. If they are going to reject me for it, that saves time. If they did not at firs realize, and decide when they find out that they do not want to know a 'holy roller', or 'God-botherer', or 'religious hypocrite' or whatever they consider Christians to be then right, so be it. It will save the wasted time. But when I try to e-mail or comment on a blog, talking to a Christian is so much easier. It is not just a state of mind. I have after all come across church members with whom I did not get on. It would be arrogant to suggest that it must reflect on them if we don't have much to say to each other. But there is still a real bond there. It is reassuring to know.


Trisha said...

Thank you for your email. I took a look at the book and I will order it as it looks fascinating. I will let you know what I think. It is nice to meet another Christian blogger here. Blessings...

mama bear said...

thanks for the book suggestion! i'm always looking for a new read.

Ian said...

I agree that it is easier to communicate with a Christian than with a non Christian over the internet, at least about certain issues. Then again, I haven't really run into many non-Christians over blogs...


KaleCharis said...

Thank you for your comment. I'll check out the book for sure!

That's crazy that your post would be about the whole not hiding your light thing because someone was just talking about that earlier. I'm wondering if God is trying to get a point across.